off the grid ✿ clubhouse
off the grid ✿ clubhouse
🚫 How to say NO — with Chelsie Tamms

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of off the grid ✿ clubhouse

🚫 How to say NO — with Chelsie Tamms


Real talk: I am soooooo much better at saying yes than saying no.

And I almost always need a pep talk before I cancel a meeting, turn down a client, or opt out of submitting a proposal.

…Maybe you can relate?

If yes, you’re going to love today’s episode, because I’m sharing a bit of never-before-heard chit-chat from my season three episode with Chelsie Tamms!

Chelsie was on the podcast in May to discuss radical generosity, passion projects, and how to grow your business through collaborations. We even partnered on a super fun custom sticker and digital wellness collection that you can peep right here.

In this Clubhouse-exclusive excerpt of our conversation, Chelsie shares:

  • How she’s learned to identify her red flags 🚩

  • A few easy ways to say no when you need to 🙅‍♀️

  • The feasibility of saying no in your first few years of business 👩‍💼

  • & Why I’m creating a “saying no fund” 💰

This post is for paid subscribers

off the grid ✿ clubhouse
off the grid ✿ clubhouse
A paid podcast exclusively for Off the Grid Clubhouse members. Thank you for your support of the show! ✿